How to Apply
This program is intended for highly qualified students who plan to pursue a career that includes research in the fields of ecology and environmental science, organismal biology and/or evolutionary biology.
How to Apply
This program is intended for highly qualified students who plan to pursue a career that includes research in the fields of ecology and environmental science, organismal biology and/or evolutionary biology.
Admission Requirements
Entering students typically have a background in biology or related disciplines. Although there are no rigid prerequisites, successful applicants will usually have taken as a minimum one course in each of ecology, evolution, organismal or comparative biology, cell and molecular biology, and a course in biostatistics. Deficiencies in these areas may be remedied by course work and independent reading, as determined in the initial Advisory Committee meetings in the first semester of a student’s graduate program. This program does not accept GRE General or Subject Scores.
Application Information
The graduate program in Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology is intended for highly qualified students who plan to pursue a career that includes research in the fields of ecology and environmental science, organismal biology and/or evolutionary biology.

All applications should be submitted online through the Graduate School. More information on deadlines and the application procedure for Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology can be found on the Graduate School's website.
Successful applicants almost always contact individual faculty members in their area of interest before submitting a formal application to inquire about graduate training opportunities. Faculty are generally very receptive to such inquiries, since new graduate students are a essential component of most research programs.
Please do note that in lieu of a personal statement, EEOB asks that applicants answer the following set of questions (250-500 words each):
- What are your research interests, and why are you applying to the EEOB graduate program at Brown? Please identify one or more faculty members with whom you would like to work, and explain why you would like to work with them.
- What does your ideal graduate program look like, and why?
- What experiences have prepared you to pursue a PhD in the Brown’s EEOB program? These can be research experiences, academic experiences, work experiences, or anything else you feel is relevant.
- What are your future career goals, and how does pursuing a PhD in EEOB help you meet these goals?
- Please describe any obstacles or challenges that you’ve had to overcome in pursuing your past research, academic, or work experiences?
Brown University Graduate School also asks that each applicant address at least one of the following questions (330 words or less):
- Discuss specific examples of how your background, knowledge, and life experiences would influence your ability to both benefit from and contribute to Brown’s inclusive academic community;
- Discuss how you aspire to contribute to our mission to promote diversity and inclusion through your research, teaching, or service.
Other general questions about the application process can be sent to our graduate program directors.
Program Contact
Matthew Fuxjager, PhD
Associate Professor of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology, Director of Graduate Studies